Lone Oak Pinot is in and cold soaking now. Fermentation will begin in another day or so. Fruit came in in great shape and with nice balanced numbers on the brix, pH etc.
First batch of Split Rock Pinot came in yesterday and is also in cold soak. This was our Clone 115. We were going to pick on Tuesday but had a minor rain delay- not a problem and fruit and numbers look fine. The Clone 667 from Split Rock gets picked tomorrow. These will also cold soak for a few days before we start fermentation.
Our Doctor's Vineyard Pinot will come in on Monday. Cabernet Sauv from southern end of Napa (Coombsville area) has a few weeks to go before it will be harvested.
After pouring wine at the Euphoria event this weekend I'll be in San Francisco at the winery for two weeks making all of this fruit into great wine. Lots of bubbling fermentations, punchdowns, wine pressing and barreling. The winery will be going 18-20 hours a day or more as Calicaro's fruit and fruit for other winemakers all get made into wine. Crazy fun.
Wine of the Day, No. 854
1 day ago