In my wine world, the word “should” is banished. At the end of the day, after all the sniffing, swirling, tasting and talking, you either like the wine or you don’t like the wine. It is your unique palate that is calling the shots for you and no apologies or explanations are needed. If your personal favorite is white zin in a big box, then fine, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
However, if you have read this far, I’m guessing that white zin in a big box is probably not your regular quaff.
Your palate, just like your ear for music or your eye for art and design, can be educated and developed. With art, the more you look the more you see. And with wine, the more you smell and taste……. well, the more you smell and taste. And no question the knowledge and ability to discriminate, to make sensory distinctions and learn to enjoy unusual, more complex flavors, will lead to further enjoyment (and allow you to act like a wine snob if you wish- however if you ever watch Gary Vaynerchuk’s Wine Library TV, you may conclude that wine snobbery is just so 20th century!).
The web and interactive media (such as us being able to offer wine for sale directly from our website) are changing the wine world. People living in the most remote places now have access to the best wine being made, especially if they are willing to spend a little effort on line.
Some people will always like white zin, and for those folks the selections will be readily available and inexpensive at the local grocery store. But the door to a world of possibilities is now kicked wide open for those wishing to explore.
As Gary V. would say, give it a whirl.
Wine of the Day, No. 854
1 day ago